Summer-Proof Your Workout

Keep your cool when exercising outdoors with tips from fitness editor Nan Kappeler. Nan suggests dressing for warmer temps, avoiding the sun’s peak hours and hitting the pool. For more tips, read on!

Wellness Article: How much water do you need?

In July’s nutrition wellness article, WalkStyles editor Dana Denis explores the topic of drinking water. An essential nutrient, water is a surprisingly complex topic, raising questions ranging from the amount we need to where it should come from.

For Dana’s insights and tips, click here.

Wellness Article: It takes discipline

In this month’s “3 P’s” article, wellness editor Ken Potalivo shares his admiration for PGA Tour players and the discipline they need to suceed. Similarly, service professionals need to be disciplined and remain motivated to reach their goals. Learn more about Ken’s thoughts on productivity, passion and purpose here.

Wellness Article: Keep moving, but avoid overexertion

Overexertion is a scary thing — something that even the fittest of the fit aren’t immune to. WalkStyles fitness editor, Nan Kappeler, discusses overexertion and how to avoid it. During the summer months when we’re more active and the weather is warm, it’s especially important to keep these things in mind.

Wellness Article: Layoff Action Plan

As part of the country-wide downsizing trend, have you been laid off? WalkStyles Balance editor, Toddi Gutner, offers an action plan for layoff survivors in this month’s balance article. From being proactive to avoiding negativity, Toddi’s advice will help you remain focused during this trying time.

Wellness Article: Go Nuts!

Looking for a mid-day pick-me-up? A handful of nutrient-dense nuts is the perfect snack. WalkStyles editor Dana Denis explains why in May’s nutrition article.

Wellness Article: A Giving Community

Sue Parks, WalkStyles founder and co-author of I Count: 10 Simple Steps to a Healthy Life, provides a Friday lift with her article on community giving. Although we are currently in “tight times,” community members are still giving their time, money and/or support to help and inspire others. There are so many things we can give each other – even a simple “thank you.”

Wellness Article: What’s your favorite exercise?

On Mondays, we focus on fitness – what a great way to start out the week! Today, fitness editor Nan Kappeler talks about popular “favorite” exercises and why – or why not – they’re so great. Must-do exercises include squats, walking and planks…those to avoid include chest presses and ab crunches. Click to learn what exercises you should be added to your routine!

Wellness Article: Perfect Walking Posture

Fitness expert Nan Kappeler breaks down posture-perfect techniques for walking in April’s fitness article. Nan states “poor posture can not only be aggravating, but lead to unnecessary back, shoulder and neck pain. Fortunately, the way we hold our body is changeable, and by practicing good habits, we can avoid these aches and end each day feeling well.”

Click to learn how to perfect your walking posture!

Wellness Article: Boost Nutrition with Whole Grains

Each month, WalkStyles’ team of wellness experts publish articles on a variety of healthy lifestyle topics. The focus of Wednesdays is nutrition, and this month, nutrition expert Dana Denis, sheds light on the power of whole grains.

In her article, “Making Half Whole,” Dana answers common questions on what “whole grain” means and how you can easily incorporate these super foods into your diet.