Walking News: Study Finds Moderate Exercise Battles Belly Fat

According to Science Daily,  a new study suggests that moderate amounts of exercise alone can reduce the inflammation in visceral fat (belly fat). Visceral fat has been linked with metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors that predict heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. In the study, the benefits of exercise were apparent, even without a change in diet.

Walking News: The Power of Friendship

According to a recent article in the The New York Times, researchers are starting to make note of the importance of friendship and social networks in overall health.

A study of students at the University of Virginia placed groups of students with weighted backpacks at the base of a steep hill. The students who stood with friends gave lower estimates of the steepness of the hill, and the longer the friends had known each other, the less steep the hill appeared to them. 

Form a walking group and meet up regularly for a walk and conversation — you’ll experience the many benefits of exercise and friendship!

Wellness Article: Perfect Walking Posture

Fitness expert Nan Kappeler breaks down posture-perfect techniques for walking in April’s fitness article. Nan states “poor posture can not only be aggravating, but lead to unnecessary back, shoulder and neck pain. Fortunately, the way we hold our body is changeable, and by practicing good habits, we can avoid these aches and end each day feeling well.”

Click to learn how to perfect your walking posture!

Walking News: Exercising While Pregnant May Help Baby’s Development

A recent article reveals that exercising mothers-to-be may be help fetal development of their baby, say U.S. researchers. This means a moderate intensity aerobic 30-minutes-three-times-a-week exercise program.

Wellness Article: Boost Nutrition with Whole Grains

Each month, WalkStyles’ team of wellness experts publish articles on a variety of healthy lifestyle topics. The focus of Wednesdays is nutrition, and this month, nutrition expert Dana Denis, sheds light on the power of whole grains.

In her article, “Making Half Whole,” Dana answers common questions on what “whole grain” means and how you can easily incorporate these super foods into your diet.

Walking News: Lifetime Exercise May Cut Breast Cancer Death Risk

According to a recent study, women who participate in recreational exercise and sports over their lifetime may be lowering their risk of death from breast cancer, reports the International Journal of Cancer. These findings suggest being physically active before a breast cancer diagnosis can improve survival after breast cancer. 

Walking is a great way to stay active each and every day – all throughout your life!

Walking News: Smart Fitness for Grown Ups

Visit the “Walk Talk” page on ICountWellness.com and you’ll find new articles every Monday on the virtues of walking and a healthy lifestyle. This week, we enjoyed the article “Smart Fitness for Grown-Ups: 11 Tips for the Over 40 Exerciser” from USNews.com

What both new and veteran exercisers need to know about smart fitness for grown-ups includes: get comfortable (perhaps join a walking group), find activities that are right for you – it’s not all about aerobics, start slowly (with a simple plan like walking every day) -and, make fitness a priority. Also, don’t underestimate yourself, get social support (such as a walking club) be aware of old injuries and don’t obsess over weight.

ICount is now on Goodreads!

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ICount is now on LibraryThing!

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