Shoes made for walking

In this article, A New York Times travel reporter documents his search for the perfect pair of walking shoes. He’s searched for ones that are “rugged enough to handle the backcountry but stylish enough to pass muster in urbane settings”. He recommends several pairs including the ones he finds closest to perfect.

Walking News: Your best workout partner may be your dog!

An obesity expert and professor of medicine at Northwestern said that dogs make great workout partners in winning the battle of the bulge, according to a new Forbes article. Research has shown that it’s easier to be physically active and stick with an exercise program when you team up with a workout buddy. But unlike human partners, who might make excuses for not wanting to go for a walk or run, a dog never will.

Walking News: Walking Teams Take Manhattan

On any given day, almost half the women in the United States are on a diet. But it’s a succession of small steps that will insure the pounds come off — and stay off. New York women, who fight fat by walking in groups at lunchtime, are profiled in this article from the New York Daily News. According to the leader of one group, a big part of why the team approach is successful is the social aspect, as walking with others keeps you motivated and accountable.

Walking News: Congress plans incentives for healthy habits

The New York Times reports that one of President Obama’s eight principles for health legislation is that it must “invest in prevention and wellness”. Congress is planning to give employers sweeping new authority to reward employees for healthy behavior, including better diet, more exercise, weight loss and smoking cessation. Learn more about ICount Wellness corporate programs here!

Walking News: Walking may help prevent osteoporosis

An estimated 80 million Americans have osteoporosis, commonly called “bone-thinning disease”, and 80 percent are women. “Anything that makes bone bear weight is good for bone quality,” said the head of orthopedic spine surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital. While walking cannot restore bone already lost, it can help preserve bone density, according to a spine specialist at New England Baptist Hospital. Read more in the Boston Globe!

WalkStyles in article!

Sue Parks, CEO of WalkStyles, Inc. and co-author of ICount: 10 Simple Steps to a Healthy Life, is quoted in a recent article all about walking. According to the article, enthusiasm for walking continues to increase as it’s an affordable, effective exercise that can be done by just about anyone…anywhere!

Walking News: How “walkable” is your city?

A recent article in the Lexington, MA Minuteman discusses the factors that make a city “walkable.”  One interesting point made is that a one-mile walk to school typically takes 15-20 minutes, while driving the same distance and sitting in the usual line of traffic takes about the same amount of time. Use the listed walkable methodology to determine the “walkability” of your own community.

Walking News: Study Finds Moderate Exercise Battles Belly Fat

According to Science Daily,  a new study suggests that moderate amounts of exercise alone can reduce the inflammation in visceral fat (belly fat). Visceral fat has been linked with metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors that predict heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. In the study, the benefits of exercise were apparent, even without a change in diet.

Walking News: Lifetime Exercise May Cut Breast Cancer Death Risk

According to a recent study, women who participate in recreational exercise and sports over their lifetime may be lowering their risk of death from breast cancer, reports the International Journal of Cancer. These findings suggest being physically active before a breast cancer diagnosis can improve survival after breast cancer. 

Walking is a great way to stay active each and every day – all throughout your life!